How to apply for a KulturLegi and join our concert nights for half the price
Here at jazzhane, we place great value on making our concerts available to everybody. For this reason, we provide reduced ticket prices for most of our concerts.
For instance, for our concerts at the Jazz Club Moods or for our festival at the Rote Fabrik, holders of a Kulturlegi receive discounts up to 50%.
What is the KulturLegi?
The KulturLegi is a personal ID card with a photo, valid for one year. It allows our community members on a tight budget to receive a discount of 30-70% (in some cases up to 100%) on offers in sports, culture, and education. Children aged 5 or older require their ID card.
Where can I use the KulturLegi?
There are more than 3,600 events and activities to choose from in Zurich, Basel, Bern, Aargau, Graubünden, Fribourg, Neuchatel, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, St. Gallen-Appenzell, Thurgau, Waadt, Jura, etc.
You pay less when visiting concerts, festivals, museums or theatres.
You get a library membership or a newspaper subscription for reduced prices.
Your football or tennis club membership is cheaper.
You make considerable savings on family trips to the zoo or the swimming pool.
You can check the details on
Am I eligible?
The KulturLegi is meant for low-income households. You can apply and for a KulturLegi online via
You should be eligible if you can provide a confirmation that you receive:
Social Welfare or Asylum Care
Supplementary benefits AHV/IV (Ergänzungsleistungen)
Public grants and scholarships (Stipendium)
Wage garnishment (Lohnpfändung)
You can also apply and provide your latest tax invoice (cantonal tax assessment). If you pay withholding taxes, you can provide your latest annual income statement.
Maximum thresholds
Once you apply, the KulturLegi office will run the necessary calculations and let you know if you are eligible. There are some thresholds. We advise you to contact the KulturLegi office directly.
Annual Income thresholds
Individuals - CHF 40,000
Single parents - CHF 45,000
Couples (married or cohabiting), double income - CHF 50,000
Couples, single income - CHF 55,000
How do I apply for a KulturLegi?
You can apply online, via direct mail, or visit the KulturLegi offices in person.
Direct mail or in person: KulturLegi Kanton Zürich, Reitergasse 1, 8004 Zürich