Psychedelic Music Explosion
Daniel Spicer, İnsanlar, İpek İpekçioğlu
Friday, April 29, 2022
Moods Jazzclub Zurich

Psychedelic Music Explosion
We will travel through time and space: going back to the 60ies, 70ies, and 80ies to better understand the historical origins of turkish psychedelic rock only to come back to the 21st century with shamanistic techno folk band insanlar before we dance through the night at the eclectic afterparty with ipek ipekçioglu.
Friday, April 29, 2022
Moods Jazzclub Zurich
Daniel Spicer
Afterparty by İpek İpekçioğlu
İnsanlar (literally humankind in Turkish, but with a deeper and esoteric meaning) got together first in the last months of 2010 – with the famed Istanbul DJ Barış K. and instrumentalist Cem Yıldız of Orient Expressions fame in the helm – as an inhouse jam band for the Anatolian pop-/rock revival series, Minipop, which was then starting to take place in Istanbul’s Minimüzikhol, the network’s home club.
From this organic friends’ network, which included many names like Turkish hip-hop superstar Kabus Kerim to dancer Bahar from Baba Zula and percussionist Sinan Tansal from iconic rock bands Karapaks and Mavi Sakal; İnsanlar evolved into a more stable core band with Istanbul’s superstar drummer Alican Tezer (Ayyuka, Büyük Ev Ablukada, ex-Athena) as the third permanent member in the band.
Their shamanistic techno folk hybrid, rooted firmly in Anatolian-Alewi religious poetry, and their energetic, almost punkish attitude created a mystic following around the bands improvised early shows. The release of the hypnotic stomper «Kime Ne» on UK’s Honest Jon’s label in 2015, catapulted the band on to the international stage, where their idiosyncratic mixture of traditional Anatolian/Mesopotamian instrumentation, electronic music, and spiritual/philosophical lyrics continue to captivate festival audiences.
Daniel Spicer
Daniel Spicer is a writer, broadcaster, improviser, and poet based in Brighton, UK. He writes about music for The Wire, Jazzwise and Songlines magazines, and for The Quietus website. His book on Turkish psychedelic music, The Turkish Psychedelic Music Explosion: Anadolu Psych 1965 to 1980, was published by Repeater Books in 2018.
İpek İpekçioğlu
Based between Berlin and Istanbul, DJ, producer, curator, queer-activist, İpek İpekçioğlu creates an extraordinarily warm, dynamic, and organic interpretation of electronic music as nu-disco, house, deep house, tech house, and minimal techno. Her music melts with the melodramatic sound of Anatolia, Orient and the Middle East and she has been pushing boundaries within the ethnic and electronic music scene for more than a decade.
The Berliner Label Katermukke released her track «Uyan Uyan, Wake up», which led the Beatport charts for several months as the most successful track. She released Bir çift Turna and Gelme Bana at Epic Istanbul/Sony Music. Her remix of Selda Bagcan’s «Gesi Baglari» was released at Majör Müzik. The Canadian Souq Records released her latest Techno track «Dame Sobh feat. Hany Mojtahedy».
İpek has performed in New York, on the desert Sahara of Mali, Salvador de Bahia, Stockholm, Marseille, Los Angeles, Istanbul, Novosibirsk, Beirut, St. Petersburg, Glasgow, Cairo, Sana’a or Shanghai etc. She has toured in Japan and has made exclusive tours throughout China.
İpek İpekçioğlu has received a German Record Critics’ Award and was named a musical and political «visionary» by the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The Rolling Stonze Magazine called her a representative for «ideologically blinker-free living».
Tickets available now
starting from CHF 24